Girls Who Code is coming to Orlando this summer!!! As soon as it was announced at WeVenture’s Renegades & Rebels: Women and Tech event last November, I knew I had to be involved. Girls Who Code is super awesome, nationally recognized program that brings a new model for computer science education to middle school and high school girls across the country and this summer, two Girls Who Code camps will provide 40 girls in Orlando hands-on experience in computing concepts, programming fundamentals, exposure to the tech industry, and mentorship from women working in technology. We are just weeks away...
On Saturday January 16, 2016 Code for Orlando joined Orlando Sentinel to host the Tabs on Tallahassee Hackathon at Canvs coworking space in downtown Orlando. After 6 months of development, the Orlando Sentinal unveiled a new API for the FL Legislature. The API, which returns data about the Florida House and Senate, includes: legislator voting history, bill lists by location affected, bill lists by topic, bill lists by search query, bill progress and legislator biographies. The API also ties legislators to their relevant geographic areas. The Tabs on Tallahassee Hackathon opened this API up to local developers, designers and tech-savvy...
We were excited to participate in an Hour of Code event at Howard Middle School last Monday December 7th, in celebration of Computer Science Education Week (December 7-13). We joined several other tech volunteers, organized by the Orlando Tech Association in partnership with the City of Orlando, to share our knowledge and experience with 6th, 7th and 8th graders interested in learning how to code. The kids used a site called to explore the basics of programming through a series of exercises based on Star Wars, Frozen, and Minecraft. As they advanced through each level they learned about...
Customer feedback is essential to creating products that satisfy real customer needs and lean startup companies need simple, quick, and cost effective ways to collect and utilize this feedback. In this article I will describe how Code Hangar gathers useful customer feedback for free using Google Forms. Qualaroo is a popular and elegant solution I've seen used on many sites and web applications. Their forms work well because users can complete them without leaving your site. Qualaroo Customer Feedback Forms However, Qualaroo forms come with a small monthly fee, which for businesses that are generating revenue, is no big deal....
This tutorial is part of a series on Gulp: Getting Started with Gulp Javascript Task Runner Compiling SASS/SCSS to CSS with Gulp Concatenate & Minify Javascript with Gulp, Improve Site Performance When building large web applications, you'll find that your app may require LOTS of javascript files. Numerous requests for large files can slow site performance. With Gulp, we can improve the overall performance of our sites and applications by minifying our javascript to reduce the file size and concatenating our files to reduce the number of file requests. (If you need help installing Gulp, go back and read...
Cassandra Wilcox is a full-stack JavaScript developer, Cofounder at Code Hangar Inc., Instructor at Girls Who Code, JavaScript Instructor at Skillcrush, and Organizer of Orlando LadyDevs