Code Hangar

Orlando, FL
Happy New Year! What to look forward to in Tech in 2016

Happy New Year! What to look forward to in Tech in 2016

Its a new year and with it comes all sorts of predictions for what this year may bring us. We decided to make a few of our own predictions and tell about some things we are looking forward to in tech in 2016. 1. Girls Who Code comes to Orlando! In November, WeVenture announced several initiatives focused on making Orlando a city that empowers women entrepreneurs. One of those initiatives is an Orlando chapter of Girls who Code, a non-profit "working to close the gender gap in the technology and engineering sectors". Girls Who Code programs for Orlando are still...

About Code Hangar

Code Hangar is a software development company that builds amazing web, iOS, and Android apps for startups that are ready to launch ASAP. Are you ready?
