Girls Who Code is coming to Orlando this summer!!!
As soon as it was announced at WeVenture’s Renegades & Rebels: Women and Tech event last November, I knew I had to be involved. Girls Who Code is super awesome, nationally recognized program that brings a new model for computer science education to middle school and high school girls across the country and this summer, two Girls Who Code camps will provide 40 girls in Orlando hands-on experience in computing concepts, programming fundamentals, exposure to the tech industry, and mentorship from women working in technology.
We are just weeks away from the first camp and I am so excited for everything we have in store for the girls! Both camps will be hosted at the amazing Melrose Center at the Orlando public library downtown, which offers the community free access to amazing technological and creative facilities such as a full recording studio, photography & videography, maker space, virtual simulators and more...
2016 Summer Club Sessions
- June Camp: 6/13 – 6/17
- August Camp: 8/8 – 8/12
Melrose Center at the Orlando Public Library
101 E. Central Blvd. Orlando, FL 32801
Click here for more information about the Orlando Girls Who Code 2016 summer camps.
Get Involved!
In order to make these Girls Who Code camps possible, we are seeking help from some of Orlando’s top female coding talent. We are looking for two different types of volunteers: Volunteer Instructors and Career Mentors.
Volunteer Instructors assist in the classroom during the Girls Who Code summer camps. Programming experience is a plus, but is not a requirement. Volunteer Instructors may schedule hours any time throughout each of the two camps.We hope to provide the students with a majority of female role models but invite all genders to sign up.
Career Mentors will stay in touch with one or more students after the completion of the Girls Who Code summer camp to advise and assist with computer science education and career decisions. A recommended contact schedule will be provided to students and mentors.
If you are interested in helping out, please complete this volunteer application.
Volunteer orientations will be held on Tuesday May 24 and Wednesday May 25 from 4:00-5:00 PM at Canvs.
Have any comments or questions? Let us know by leaving a comment below!
About Author: Cassandra Wilcox
Cassandra Wilcox is a full-stack JavaScript developer, Cofounder at Code Hangar Inc., Instructor at Girls Who Code, JavaScript Instructor at Skillcrush, and Organizer of Orlando LadyDevs