ReQLPro is a desktop RethinkDB GUI Client for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux. If you’re not sure what RethinkDB is, check out their website to learn more about what makes it “the open-source database for the realtime web.”
What’s New in this Release?
Persisting Connection Passwords and SSL Certs
While ReQLPro has had the ability to add connections with passwords and SSL Certificates for a while, we haven't been persisting them to the filesystem. We wanted to wait until we had a secure method of saving passwords first, and now that is here! Passwords and SSL Certs will now be saved and persisted via:
- Keychain on Mac OSX
- Credential Manager on Windows 10
- Passwords & Keys on Ubuntu.
NOTE: We found have saving passwords with the Linux build to have mixed results on different systems. If ReQLPro 0.2.1 is not saving passwords for you please let us know your Linux distro version. Installing libsecret
on your system may help.
Data Explorer - Table View: Expanded object contents
For cell whose contents represent an "object", we have replaced the placeholder "{Object...}" string with a JSON.stringify() of the cell contents.
Save Record Keyboard Shortcut
When Adding or Editing a Record: Use Cmd+S
or Ctrl+S
for quickly saving the record
- Reset pagination and query settings after selecting a new table
We hope you enjoy the latest release of ReQLPro! We are always happy to receive feedback from our users so please let us know what you think!
About Author: Ian Grail
Software Developer. Aspiring Pool Lounger.